Friday, April 5, 2019

Examples of what patriotic diaspora Ethiopians can do to help their country economically

Ethiopia economy is weak and now foreign reserve/ dollar in the bank is  very low.  Patriotic diaspora Ethiopians can  help their country, also save money for themselves  by buying Ethiopian made products.  How?
When you go on vacation in Ethiopia, for example, buy everything you need  for long time, from there in advance, and take it  back with you to your country of residence. It can be cloths, shoes,  socks, shirts etc.
Ethiopian tailors are great. You can send them also orders to make clothe for you, from the country you live. 
If you order products directly from Ethiopia it is usually cheaper and the money you save can cover the import tax and sending costs.

If you send money to your family, include also the extra money for  the products you want to buy, so that you only pay one time to transfer the money.

You can also order  with your friends large quantity of coffee, spices, etc. directly from Ethiopia and share it. That way you also save money. 

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