Monday, November 18, 2019

Is Abiy creating power vacuum?

Is PM Abiy deliberately creating power vacuum,  by not enforcing the rule of law? Or is he being incompetent? He should resign if he can not protect the people from attacks. He should for example  make sure the universities are guarded. When will he learn?

The independence of Tigry

If Wayanes want the independence of Tigry, they can have it. But Wayanes must agree  to return the land they took from the Amharas. They occupied the Amhara land for agriculture  and in order to have international border with Sudan.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Is America going to twist Abiy's arm?

Egypt wants the involvement of  the US  in the Millennium Dam issue. But why? Is America going to twist Abiy's arm? Hopefully Abyi is not going to sell us out  under pressure. That will be treason.  No negotiation on  sovereignty.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Wyanes and Qerros do not represent the people

Wayanes do not represent the  Tigrian people. The Tigrian people have never voted for  them. Only Wayanes claim that they represent them in order to use them as a shield.
 Blaming Wayanes is not  blaming the Tigrian people. Similarly, blaming the  Qerros for their crimes is not blaming the peaceful Oromo people..