Saturday, May 29, 2021

There are media campaigns going on against Ethiopia

The Western media have been campaigning to tarnish the image of Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy and his government, and the US has been threatening with sanctions, because of human rights issues. But the real motive of the negative media campaigns and sanctions threats is that PM Abiy has refused to be a puppet, and he has been carrying out independent policies. 

The US does not care for human rights; many of its allies are countries ruled by dictators who abuse human rights. The issue of human rights is just a pretense the US uses to interfere with the internal affairs of a country.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Independence Day celebrated enthusiastically

 Asmara, 24 May 2021- The 30th anniversary of Independence Day was celebrated enthusiastically in the afternoon hours of today, 24 May at an official ceremony conducted at Asmara Stadium.

In his keynote address, President Isaias Afwerki extended his warmest congratulations to the Eritrean people and members of the Defense Forces and said that the significance and splendor of this momentous day radiate more with time; year-in and year-out. And beyond instilling immense jubilation and pride, it impels us to ponder on, and mull over several indelible truths, President Isaias added.

Read more here.

Eritreans celebrated their Independence Day on May 24, but what was the celebration about?

Is being 'independent' from their own country Ethiopia, something to celebrate?  Independence or not Eritreans identity will not change; they will always be Tigrians just like the Tigrians in Ethiopia, and the Afar people will always be Ethiopians. So, what are they celebrating? Democracy? 

It is amazing how politicians use nationalism to trick people into believing they have achieved something. But in reality, the independence of Eritrea has no benefit for Eritreans, except, of course, for those in power.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The next general election can not be perfect

The next general election in Ethiopia will be held on June 21, but no one should expect the results to be accurate. Ethiopia is learning how effectively to organize elections so if there is no clear winner and the results are disputed the seats should be equally shared with the disputing parties. No need to argue or cause problems. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Exaggeration and dramatization is part of journalism

Exaggeration and dramatization is part of journalism.  Good example is how CNN reports about the crisis in Tigry, Ethiopia. You can look it up in Google. There is a saying in Amharic, 'it is easy to tell lies about a far land.' That is what CNN has been doing. Good for business.