Saturday, September 21, 2019

If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody is happy

If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody will be happy. It is not Oromo culture only; it is Ethiopia's culture. But it is for political purpose the  OLF followers wanted it to be celebrated in Addis Ababa. They are politicizing peaceful festival for their own profits. But  if Irrecha it is celebrated outside  its traditional location, for political purpose, it is actually Irrecha? It will lose its real meaning.   

Friday, September 20, 2019

When the current dam is completed, Ethiopia should start constructing more

Egypt has been threatening Ethiopia for constructing dam on the Nile river. From the way they talk, Egyptians think they are the only ones who are entitled to use Nile water. They feel superior so much so that they think they have the rights to  threatens Ethiopia  for trying to develop its own water sources. If they threaten Ethiopia for developing its own water sources, imagine what they would do if Egypt was the source of the Nile? Ethiopia would not get a drop of  water.

Ethiopia should not be deterred by threats and when the current dam is completed, it should start constructing even more dams because the Nile has still more potential to produce even more energy. At least two more dams can be constructed to produce even more electricity.

 Read also this news article from Yahoo.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The OLF terrorists are trying to steal the identity of Ethiopian Orthodox Church

The OLF terrorists are  trying to create fake Orthodox Church, but their illegal act of stealing the true identity of  Ethiopian Orthodox Church,  to divide Ethiopian Christians, will fail just like  Wayanes' attempt to divide muslims, by introducing new kind of Islam.
The OLF terrorists are the true enemies of Ethiopians, just like Wayanes. They do not represent the Oromo people. They are only interested in power and money, and they will do anything for  that.